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Integration of Environmental Protection Permitting system,and online Management and Monitoring Functions for the Waste Clearance Vehicle Prompt Tracing System(Global Positioning System) Management

This Project is responsible for the maintenance and operation of three main information systems: EMS, IWR&MS and GPS. At the same time, it also assists by providing appropriate strategic suggestions for EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) on industrial waste management. There are 85 items in this year's plan (excluding offer of the 4 personnel support). According to the item of property, they can be classified into 3 types: system function enhancement and strengthening; improvement of management system and methods; and data compilation and administrative support. The execution results are as follows. III Based on the suggestions and comments in feedback by the users of the system, this year (2016), the Project has continued to upgrade the user-friendliness of the system. The improvement of the two report functions, generation and storage, enabled the controlled industries to make official declarations after filling out information at several times. In addition, some new columns were added to the waste delivery documents, which made it interconnectable with toxic chemical affidavits. We also accomplished several function improvements, like improving the printing function of industrial waste disposal plan by NET4.5. To improve the management system, we helped analyze the suggestions on extending controlled industries and regulation amendments to avoid waste foods from selling. Furthermore, to make the industrial waste management system more practical, we also analyzed current regulations regarding to online report. For instance, we examined whether leftovers should be included as a reported item, and the feasibility of using waste delivery documents without printing them. The Project of this year continued to provide statistics and compilation of various types of reporting information of industrial wastes. In accordance with the contract, we have completed 1 annual compilation, 12 statistical compilations of 9 kinds of management reporting data, and system update. As for system maintenance and administrative support, besides the regular database scheduling, backup operation, maintenance and system rebooting, we also assisted EPA in completing at least 262 provisional requests.
GPS' Environmental Protection,